Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tell Me More About This Gulen and Charter Schools

As I mentioned before, I am seeing some blogs around talking about Fethullah Gulen and the charter schools allegedly related to him and the movement gathered around his philosophy and ideas. Some discuss it in a  manner that deserves appreciation, whereas some others do not recognize any moral etiquette in attacking these schools and Mr. Gulen. Someone should remind them that even in wars of ancient times, there are some rules to consider. But the latter does not hesitate to employee even profanity in his/her writings. Should I take this as an indicator of his/her personality? It seems that I will.

In the mean time, I just came across some personal emails of Concept Schools' employees in one of these web pages. Are they real, or someone wrote them down on a word document and then transformed into PDF docs, so that they could be seen as original. How can we trust the publisher because it is well known her inclination to chicanery. I am torn. Someone tell me more on this.

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Please let me know what you think about Mr. Gulen and the schools labelled as Gulen charters.